Professional Profile

Yael Fierro Guillén


As a tax advisor, my maxim is to be more to serve better. Therefore, I work with dedication and discipline to keep up to date with the latest tax developments, trying to be a trusted advisor for my clients.

Yael completed her undergraduate studies at Universidad de las Américas (University of the Americas). She obtained a specialization in Tax Law and holds a Master’s Degree in Tax Planning and International Taxation from the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. She also specialized in Business Law and holds a Master’s degree in Business Law from the same institution. She received an honorable mention for academic excellence for her graduate work in stock exchange and tax law. 

She has more than 12 years of experience in counsel and legal representation in the corporate, tax, sectional, and customs areas in numerous public institutions that include the Contentious Tax Court, Internal Revenue Service, and Municipality, as well as nationwide for major companies and law firms. 

Currently, she has obtained her second undergraduate degree in Accounting and Taxation. She is a Level 2 Lawyer under the Legal 500 ranking, and has been considered within the Leaders League world ranking. 

She is an active member of the Ecuadorian Institute of Tax Law and co-author of the book “Tributación Contemporánea Volumen I” (Contemporary Taxation Volume I), composed of eight updated researches on Taxation, highlighting the works corresponding to the keynote lectures presented at the XVI Ecuadorian Conference on Tax Law, held from November 12 to 14, 2019. 

She serves as the coordinator of the Tax and Customs Department of Solines Asociados Abogados. 

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